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Writer's pictureMaryLisa Emery

Revelations Workshop





Revelation is something once unknown, exposed.

Life is about Revelations, an Integrations.

Discover something deep and personal about yourself, apply the lessons to your life and live more AUTHENTICALLY.

Living Authentically and Whole-ly, we can be at our most happy.

The Twelfth House is all about uncovering the depths within us

That's where spirituality comes into play:

I would define it as a lifelong personal exploration of our interconnectedness and purpose.

A journey toward peace and personal freedom through self awareness and self forgetting.

Keywords here being:




When delving into such a personal journey, we often encounter and have to face unconscious programing, lies we tell ourselves, and the dismantling of our 'self'.

It can be painful. Especially if we lack the self-compassion that is necessary for Shadow Work, Inner Child Work, and deep Emotional Healing.

Here is a video I did on SHADOW WORK

And one I did on INNER CHILD WORK and Reflection

You may want to watch them for some extra tips toward your healing in this workshop.

Why it Matters:

In Alcoholics Anonymous, they have a saying:

"Self knowledge avails us nothing"

Meaning we can realize many things about our lives and our behaviors, but the knowing without the acting is worthless to our Wholeness.

Spirituality allows us to gain perspective and compassion for the Human Struggle. All this work on ourselves needs to be grounded in something bigger and more supportive than ourselves alone.

Spirituality is not just for the Hippy Dippy, New Age Thinkers anymore. It is a necessary development for a happy and peaceful existence. Brene Brown cites spirituality as a "critical component of resilience and overcoming struggle" due to its nature of being rooted in connection and love; it gives us perspective, meaning, and purpose (Rising Strong, Brene Brown).

When I find myself struggling with my Inner World of secrets, shame, desires, and personal illusions, I can link it to either of these feelings:




Experiencing these two feelings is a huge signal to me that I need to reconnect to my spirituality.

Spirituality gives meaning to my struggle and subsequent growth.


Last month in the House 11 Workshop we discussed TOGETHERNESS and the importance of social connection and cultural care.

Upon discovering our interconnectedness (House 11), you are ready to explore the depths within yourself (House 12)

(If you are looking for more information on Astrology Houses, you can read more in this blog post to discover how they relate to you)

House Twelve

Water-- Emotions

Planet-- Neptune: Illusion and Mystery

Outer World-- Things kept hidden from the world

Self-- Personal Discovery

Characteristics-- Secrets, Sorrows, Subconscious, Spirituality, Karma, Fantasies

House Eleven is asking "What parts of yourself do you keep hidden?"


One of our main objectives has to be


In order to be happy, we must be authentic.

In order to be authentic we must know ourselves.

In order to know ourselves we must look into our shadows.

(I have a lot of blog posts and YouTube videos on these concepts, so check them out)

When we experience adversity, we are called to courageously explore our emotions and behaviors. This can be difficult, especially as we are often programmed to avoid things labeled as "harmful".

We often try to remain in our comfort, rather than exploring our darkness; our shadows; our pain.

When we avoid these parts of ourselves, we are not living authentically.

We cannot live a whole and happy life, partially there.

We convinced ourselves that people don't want to see our struggles

and that we are not capable of handling it.

(Read more about Emotional Myths here)

The fact is, we need to experience our destructions in order to show up for the Revelations.


This month, we are drawing on the power of the 12th and final Astrological House in the sequence to dive deep into ourselves, to retrieve our personal treasures.

Here are the meditations to help you elevate your workshop

So far we have talked about how important it is to explore and integrate what we hold beneath our shiny exterior.

Let's work it out.


When was the last time you felt hurt by someone you love, someone close to you?

Did you successfully tell them how you felt?

Why or why not?


When was the last time you were disappointed in yourself?

How did you overcome this disappointment?

When was the last time you were disappointed in someone else?

Did you handle this disappointment differently than your own?


When was the last time you felt angry?

Describe your angry as a cartoon character.

How did you handle this emotion?


Is there a behavior you hide from the people who know you best?

Why do you hide it?

Is there a part of your past you hide from people who know you best?



When was the last time you cried and why?

Did you cry alone or with someone?

Did you feel better or worse after the cry? Why?


Are you spiritual?

How does that look in your everyday life?

Describe your Higher Power. (If you don't have one, describe why not)



House 12 is the final house in the procession. It is the House of final development and conclusion.

Looking into our darkness is the final thing this life asks of us.

Through all the other Houses, we were working our way up to this point.

Not all things are ready to be revealed/worked through/ released at this time.

But we absolutely cannot process our depths without these things

  1. self compassion

  2. spirituality

  3. perspective

  4. forgiveness

I encourage you to look over you answer to those questions again.

and get curious.

-Why are we so hard on ourselves?

-Why are we determined to hold onto shame?

-How can we lead full and happy lives if we are not honoring our Whole Self?

-How can I be courageous with my emotions?

-How can my spiritual practices help carry me through the tough times?






As Always, thank you for showing up for yourself today.

My hope for you is the same hope I have for myself:

I hope you find the courage to forgive yourself, to love yourself, and to show up for Life.

Love you all,


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