Is it appropriate to bring sage with you to your family party, or waft the smoke at people you work with?
Just tell them you are spreading positive vibes.
But cleansing yourself of negative energy and keeping those around you feeling good is for your own protection and sanity.
And it's also proven by science to reduce harmful "energies" in the air.
So take care of yourself and others, start smudging.
Smudging is the use of sacred herbs, usually by burning, to:
1. Raise the vibration of a person, place, thing
2. dispel negative entities or energies
3. To bless something or someone
4. As an offering in ritual
5. To assist in spiritual work or meditation
Always. For anything, Forever.
In all seriousness using the scents of sacred herbs can instantly and noticeable change things and feelings. I tend to smudge:
1. After being in large groups of people
2. When someone was negative, complaining, being mean, or bringing any kind of low vibration around me
3. Right before I perform reiki on a client or myself
4. To keep the vibration of my house and room higher, especially before falling asleep, to ward of some bad dreams
5. When I feel an unwanted presence around me.
6. As an offering to my angels or ancestors, when I call upon them
If you have a bundle of dried herbs like Sage or a Palo Santo stick, you just light it of fire. I wait until I see the tip of the stick or leaves completely in flame, before I wave it out and swirl the lingering smoke around myself or whatever I want to bless/clear. I also use words or prayers when I smudge: "Please bless this house" "Remove all things that are not for my highest benefit" "Cleanse me of any energy I picked up today and replace it with white healing light", make it up as you go! Intention is paramount, as it is in all things. Read more about the power of intentions here!
Sage might be the most widely known smudging herb. It is used for clearing negative energies and repairing your aura
Palo Santo (pictured left) is also known for clearing negativity as well as healing the body.
Myrrh can be used for physical healings and grounding
Lemongrass is for bringing purity physically and energetically, as well as creating new opportunities
Patchouli is known to bring the magic of love and wealth
Lavender will bring loving and calming energies
Cedar will increase psychicness and reduce fear
*Check out Good Juju spray in the shop which includes the oils of Cedar, Sage, and Patchouli!
Or get a few sage sticks here to share with friends and family and use as gifts!
Being used for centuries and through many cultures and religions, there have been some scientific studies and reviews about the potential workings behind the ritualistic smoke.
It has been found, once again, that ancient spiritual practices can now be proven in our scientific world. Science is catching up people! In a research paper called "Medicinal Smokes" Lighting up the sacred herbs is quite medicinal! For the skin, the lungs, and even mood. These herbs release their essential oils when burned, thus releasing negative ions and neutralizing bacterias and other positively charged ions in the air.