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Writer's pictureMaryLisa Emery

Dear Me

To all of Us that need to hear it...

Dearest Me,

I have some things I need to tell you.

I want to thank you for making it this far.

I want to tell you how truly bad ass you are.

I have seen all that you have gone through, and I know it hasn't been easy some times.

You have been beaten, broken, and bested,

Often times at your own hand.

You have been scared.

Scared of failing

Scared of falling, and falling behind

Scared of your shadow

Scared to be powerful

Because you were also scared of not being seen as pleasing to others.

Scared to say no

Scared to say yes

Scared to use your voice and scared to be too loud

You have hurt others.

You have hurt yourself

Your heart breaks for all of these transgressions,

So you use this a reason to feel undeserving.

You tell yourself your not good and not worthy

Looking into the past can be painful,

and looking into the future is overwhelming

You have doubted yourself

And you have put limits on yourself

To feel safe

So I ask you to remember who you are in the moment.

Because I see, you're tired of living in the box that confines you

You want to branch out and feel more

Experience all the things you haven't before

Though you feel unready

I want to remind you:

Courage is taking action, despite the fear.

At any given time you can be Fearless

At any given time you can laugh off insecurities and jump into the unknown.

Today you are deciding not to believe in limitations or scarcities

Today you are choosing to believe that the world needs you.

Needs what you have to offer.

Even if all you have to offer in this moment is a hug,

Or a shoulder to support someone

Or a smile at the store

Give it.

Because you need to know that you have so much more

to give

to love

to be

to feel

to heal

to learn

to share

I know you may not see it all right now,

And I will do my best to love you until you can love yourself

But I know, someday you will see how bright you are

And in that moment, nothing can stop you

Especially not yourself.

So you want to remember who you are?

Hand over your heart.

You're ALIVE

You get to decide what your life is,

who you are.

You get to step out of regret and pain

and make something new.

Something beautiful blooms inside on you

It just needs to be watered.

It's not easy, but it is simple.

You are the master of your seas.

Even though your seas may be stormy right now,

You're the only sailor who can sail your ship.


I wish I could make you care less about what people think of you

I wish I could make you laugh more

I wish I could have you see how beautiful it is to be unique

I wish I could make you see how desperately the world and everyone needs your gifts

I wish I could show you how powerful you truly are

I wish I could make you stop judging yourself, so you stop judging others

I wish I could give you all the love you deserve.

But I wouldn't take away all the pain you've experienced.

No way.

Every struggle was a lesson learned,

Was another wildflower added to your crown.

Though I do want to show you that struggle isn't necessary anymore.

You will continue to face trials, but when you go with the flow

You learn the lesson before you have to experience the pain

You learn this more everyday.

When you make decisions based in love and joy,

Your life becomes easier, and you reap all the rewards you deserve.

I want you to know this.

I want you to sing more

I want you to risk more

I want you to smile more

I want you to travel more

I want you to smell the roses in everyone's gardens as you walk past

I want you to tell funny jokes to your friends

I want you to feel comfortable to be you

I want you to feel inspired


It won't all happen at once

This is the "journey of 1000 steps",

and it starts with one.

So don't ever beat yourself up

Because that's the opposite of what I am trying to tell you.

Love Your Greatest Supporter,


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