If you found this post, chances are you already had a feeling you are an empath.
I think of an Empath as someone who is extremely sensitive.
Someone who feels things beyond their own five senses.
Someone who has an extraordinary capability to feel things that are not their own.
Does this sound like you?
Growing up as an empath can be extremely difficult and confusing.
You can be seen as
-Overly emotional
-Too sensitive
-Unable to control themselves
As an empath you may feel
Because you are seen as "too much" and often feel "out of control", empaths can reach for coping techniques to numb their extrasensory gifts, like:
-Drug use and abuse
-Self Harm
- Social Aversion
- Self Doubt (Read about how to begin trusting yourself here)
and other avoidance techniques.
I meet and work with a lot of people who struggle with these issues and a lot of what they struggle with is being an Empath.
Being an Empath can be powerful and amazing though!
Once we learn how to make it work as our strength.
As an Empath you realize that you are extra sensitive to what goes on around you.
You often pick up emotions that are not yours,
Or experience the feelings of a collective, such as what is happening around the world.
In big crowds you may feel easy overwhelmed by all the energy flowing around you.
You may attract people who unconsciously sense your extra sensitivity and bombard you with their own negative energy (energy vampires)
Touching someone may bring up visions or physical feelings in your body from their energy field
You may get a gut feeling that someone is having an issue or may be feeling problematic, even from afar
You may leave an interaction with odd pains in your body
Basically there are so many ways Empaths pick up energies from around them!
Learning how to recognize and navigate being extra-sensitive will enable you to protect and empower yourself better.
First, realize that not all your feelings (emotional, psychic, and physical) are coming from you. You may find this a relief like I did!
Second having a check in with yourself (read about emotional check-ins here) will begin to enable you to sort out what is yours to work through, and what you can let go of.
Think of it as "energetic boundary setting" (read more about boundaries here)
First, understand that your energy is your own, and you can manipulate, protect, and amplify it as you wish.
*Many of my clients are empaths are seek out Intuitive Energy Work to help them learn how to manage and strengthen their gifts
Second, realize that preventing the flood of overwhelming and often negative energies being past to and around you will benefit everyone, especially you.
Next, you can follow some of these simple methods of protecting your energy that I use daily:
Wake up your energy each morning by swinging your arms, like a windmill forwards and backwards, then side to side about 20 times each.
Using gentle fists, tap your whole body, from head (gentle fingers around face), to shoulders, arms, stomach, lower back, legs, and back up again. You are waking up your energy, sparking yourself to life and shaking free any lingering negative frequencies.
Then while standing, imagine you are rooted from your legs all the way to the center of the earth, breathing; and connected all the way to the heavens through your crown, breathing. This ensures you are grounded and connected, which stabilizes your own energy field
Next you can imagine zipping up all your chakras with the intention to protect yourself from unwanted and lower frequencies.
Last you can set up a glittering or clear shield around your energy field, which prevents your energy from being leeched by others, and prevents your energy from seeping out unexpectedly.
Before going to sleep, dust off any negative energies that may have gotten stuck to you and shake the unwanted energy off yours hands.
While lying in bed, imagine calling all your energy back to you from the people/places/things you encountered today, in a safe and empowering way. You can imagine a light coming back and filling your body for a few minutes, your energy finding its way home.
Being an Empath is a powerful thing.
You can begin to play with you sensitivities in constructive ways as well, like sendignout feelers to sense people aura colors, or sense what emotion they are feeling.
**After connecting to people, always always cut the cord and reel back in your senses to protect yourself and them.
You have a duty to yourself to learn how to navigate such a gift, grow with it, and use it to empower yourself and others.
This is such a short intro on Being an Empath, I will continue to explore this topic with you on my blog and YouTube channel in the future
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